10 v24 -- time capsule?


Welcome to 10v24.neocities.org! (explanation of site name)

NOTE: this site used to be 10v24.net, but 10v24.net has moved to a new host. That is my main site now.

I'm thinking of new uses for this site. The first in my mind comes from IPFS, which Neocities supports. IPFS may allow sites to last as long as the Internet does. So what are the things I would want to send into the future?

Site name

10v24 refers to 10:24. I wanted something short and unique for the URL for my web site, back in 2012 when I started it. I like the aesthetics of powers of two, and I wanted to make reference to computers. Hebrews 10:24 is a verse that applies to my projects.

© 10 v24, last revised 5 March 2021